5 Immune Boosting Habits

Mar 30, 2020

Covid-19 has overtaken our lives lately and has changed the way that we do everyday life.  Although there are so many things that have gone wrong due to this virus, I can’t help but think of the positive things that have come of this pandemic.  I have never seen a time where people are so invested in keeping themselves healthy in hopes to fight off whatever may come their way. 

More people are washing their hands, people are making homemade hand sanitizer (How amazing!), and the three Juicerys’ near us can’t keep up with the demand for green juice!  I love how many people are prioritizing their health and asking, “How can I keep myself healthy during these time?” 

Being proactive about our health is always a priority for our family, so we have established some everyday habits that help keep our immune systems strong for when sickness may arise.  We know that we are going to get sick at some point, so we ask ourselves, what can we do now to help us fight it off faster and not spread it to others.  Here are 5 habits that can help boost your immune system during these scary times.

  1. Eat Clean + Cook from Scratch
  2. Supplement where needed
    • Supplements are not a replacement for a poor diet.  They are there to supplement what may be lacking in your whole foods.  Some key supplements that can help with immune function are Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Probiotics, and Vitamin B.  Seeking out a qualified practitioner is important to help you determine what supplements are best for you.
  3. Use Elderberry Syrup
    • Elderberries are a dark berry found on trees that are native to South America.  This dark and healing berry is commonly used as a preventative measure during cold and flu season.  We cook up a few batches of this recipe every fall so that we are stocked throughout the winter months. 
  4. Stay Active
  5. Get your zzzz’s   

Boosting your immune system can be a simple as adding in these 5 habits to your daily lifestyle.   This is not a guarantee that you won’t get sick, but it will help you fight off sickness quicker than if you weren’t taking care of yourself.  So keep washing your hands, keeping drinking your green juice, and add in these daily habits and you’re on track to kick this Covid-19 for good!

The information on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice.  If you have a medical concern or condition, please contact your healthcare professional.

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Meet the author of Grateful Plates

Megan Van Pay

I FELL IN LOVE WITH HEALTH AFTER STRUGGLING with chronic insomnia, digestive issues, acne, fatigue, + postpartum anxiety.

In search of finding a natural solution to my health problems, I was amazed with how the body can heal itself if you give it the right things! Now I’m passionate about helping other women overcome + conquer extra weight, fatigue, insomnia, + anxiety. 

In my spare time I enjoy cooking, spending time with my husband Nathan and dauther Adi, and going on adventures in nature.

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Let's enjoy a smoothie + muffin together!

Removing refined sugar in your diet doesn't need to be hard or difficult! It also doesn't have to taste disgusting. Enjoy this smoothie and muffin recipe that is gluten, dairy, and refined sugar free, AND still tastes amazing!

Simply one more step! Check your email for your recipe.